• Hvorfor blev du dommer? georgios
My love for football led me to become a referee. I used to be on the player’s side but when it was not possible to continue on that road, I refused to quit football fields, thus, I became a referee. :)
  • Hvad er det bedste ved at være dommer?
There are few things that make being a referee awesome, you are an active and important part of football. Besides that you are forming your character and yourself within different situations every time. Last but not least, you have the chance to meet interesting people having the same passion for football as you.
  • Hvorfor vil du råde andre til at blive dommer?
Selvfølgelig as you would say, becoming a referee teach you discipline for yourself and towards the others in the game. Makes you stronger, you learn to be calm under sometimes stressful situations. But the best is that you are able to enjoy football as close as it gets!! :D
  • Hvad laver du, når du ikke dømmer fodbold?
I spend most of my time working as research assistant at Aarhus University. When I am at home, I would be probably cooking or seeing a movie. The rest of the time, you can find me in a coffee shop relaxing or at the gym, spending some time stretching the muscles.
  • Hvad er dine ambitioner for den kommende sæson?
I would like to do my best in every game, being better and go up to Series 2.
  • Hvad er dine fremtidige mål?
As a referee, I would like to go as high as possible in the leagues. In my work, I would like to have a more permanent position. As a person, I want to be able to speak danish better than I do now! :D

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